Supporting the Breast Cancer Foundation in my country

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Created By:
Hanna Løvberg
Participating In:
Rosa sløyfe
Collecting for:
Rosa sløyfe

Supporting the Breast Cancer Foundation in my country

This donation goes directly to the Pink Bow in my country. Recently I had a scare with breast cancer, but luckily for me it was just a malign tumor. A lot of women are not as lucky. My family included. Donating to this cause helps promote breast cancer awareness and further research on breast cancer as well. If you are financially able to donate, thank you very much🫶

Ved å støtte Rosa sløyfe-aksjonen bidrar du til livsviktig forskning på brystkreft. Forskning som fører til tidlig oppdagelse, bedre diagnostisering og mer målrettet behandling. Forskning som bidrar til at flere kan få livet og hverdagen raskere tilbake.

Tusen takk for ditt bidrag!

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500 kr
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Hanna Løvberg donated 500 kr

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  • Hanna Løvberg Hanna Løvberg donated 500 kr